Kung Fu36

Series Guide News Overview Pilot Season One Season Two Season Three Merchandise Notes Resources Addendum FAQ #36 (Prod #166221) "The Nature of Evil"
Teleplay By:: Gerald Sanford
Directed By:: Robert Michael Lewis (also #48)
First Broadcast: ABC, March 21, 1974
Guest Stars: Morgan Woodward, Shelly Novak (also #5), Barbara Colby
Special Guest Star: John Carradine
Regular Cast: David Carradine, Philip Ahn, Keye Luke, Radames Pera

On his way to Eureka, Caine gets a feeling which leads him to his old friend Serenity Johnson and a town called Ninevah that is full of fear.

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Also available: The Continuity Guide to "The West Wing": http://westwing.bewarne.com
and An Introduction to the BBC's "Blake's 7": http://www.blakes7-guide.com