Kung Fu   Season One
Amazon offering all three seasons at $15.99 each.

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All three seasons
All Three Seasons
Available for Pre-Order

1972-1973 - John Furia, Jr. became Executive Story Consultant after the first few episodes and wrote many of the scenes set in China.
(This is in the order in which the episodes were produced --- see production numbers --- and at one time they were the order Warner Brothers were giving the episodes to stations syndicating the episodes.)

First Season Episodes
Pilot & First Season
Available on DVD
  1. "King of the Mountain" (Prod #166141) October 14, 1972
  2. "Dark Angel" (Prod #166142) November 11, 1972
  3. "Blood Brother" (Prod #166143) January 18, 1973
  4. "An Eye for an Eye" (Prod #166144) January 25, 1973
  5. "The Soul is the Warrior" (Prod #166145) February 8, 1973
  6. "Nine Lives" (Prod #166146) February 15, 1973
  7. "The Tide" (Prod #166147) February 1, 1973
  8. "Sun and Cloud Shadow" (Prod #166148) February 22, 1973
  9. "A Praying Mantis Kills" (Prod #166149) March 29, 1973
  10. "Alethea" (Prod #166150) March 22, 1973
  11. "Chains" (Prod #166151) March 15, 1973
  12. "Superstition" (Prod #166152) April 5, 1973
  13. "The Stone" (Prod #166153) April 12, 1973
  14. "The Third Man" (Prod #166154) April 26, 1973
  15. "The Ancient Warrior" (Prod #166155) May 3, 1973

For complete list of all episodes in all seasons, see the Series Guide.

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Also available: The Continuity Guide to "The West Wing": http://westwing.bewarne.com
and An Introduction to the BBC's "Blake's 7": http://www.blakes7-guide.com