Kung Fu52

Series Guide News Overview Pilot Season One Season Two Season Three Merchandise Notes Resources Addendum FAQ #52 (Prod #166264) "A Lamb To The Slaughter"
Teleplay By: Robert Specht & David Michael Korn STORY: Robert Specht
Directed By:: Harry Harris (also #41, 43, 54 & 61)
First Broadcast: January 11, 1975 (Saturday)
Guest Stars: Alejandro Rey, Joe Santos, Barbara Luna, and Stephen Manley as a younger young Caine*4*
Regular Cast: David Carradine, Philip Ahn, Keye Luke, Radames Pera

Caine goes to a village on the coast of Mexico to pay a debt the priest owes to a man whose father died saving his father. But the only payment the man will accept is for Caine to teach him fighting/killing skills.

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Also available: The Continuity Guide to "The West Wing": http://westwing.bewarne.com
and An Introduction to the BBC's "Blake's 7": http://www.blakes7-guide.com